Ciao Famiglia
Come va? Sperto voi state bene. Oggi e bellisimo. Lo tempio e bene. Lo spirito santo e molto forte in la stanza di celeste. Amo il Signore alla benedici recivo da Lui. Mi piache quando ho l'opputunita andare allo tempio su Meircoledi. ma...tempo per mio email.
Everything is going so swell. The language has been one that I enjoy speaking to everyone that I can whenever I can. Such an awesome place where people can share a gospel message in a different language and everyone doesn't care too much that we are doing that. The Italians have received the reputation that all we do is share testimonies. AND that is very true. So very true. We constantly are sharing our testimonies with the people of the MTC. Its a great way for me to practice my language and share my testimony with people so I can prepare for the day that I land in Italia!!! SONO MOLTO EMOCIONADO!! I cant wait to have that great food in my BELLY! The food here has plateaued and now everything kind of taste the same. Anyways, that doesn't matter. We have been told by a speaker that we should always look at the bright side of things. She said, if its raining that is a good thing. People will feel bad for you and let you in. But if they don't, then I don't know what to tell you. So funny. It was a good talk. My lessons are going a lot better. Now all i really need to have is my Italian scriptures and then the spirit when i teach and not the preach my gospel in both languages, my set of scriptures. Things have gotten to the point where I can say a lot of stuff about the church, now the only thing that i need to work on is the basic things, here and there kind of stuff. some things that will help me survive. Its ok, I can definitely learn that stuff.
I get to see Josch a lot. I see him here and there. His meal time is 15 minutes after mine so that is fun to see him a lot. He helps me confirm my stories that I tell to the people in my district. Some people in my district don't believe me when I tell them some of the stuff that has happened in my life. they are all from Utah, so anything dealing the cops in my neighborhood is just foreign to them. My neighbor being held up at gun point, they did not believe that one one bit, yeah, Josch helps out a lot with that. I see SIMI every single day. We leave on the same day. The transfers in Italy were mixed up so I leave a week earlier so I am right in only the transfers. So lucky about that one. I am ready to goo! My spelling has gotten really horrific. The Italian language is all phone etc so if it sounds like something, that's how it is spelled. English is so hard! I love Italian.
So two days ago I went to the doctor because my heart was feeling a bit weird, didn't know what it was. He sent me and Anziano Money to go the Urgent Care and get a blood test and some heart tests done. So i got to leave the campus. Way sweet. We walked down the street and people were honking and waving. MORMON LAND IF I EVER KNEW ONE!!! We walked one block and got like 10 honks and waves. So weird. But anyways, I got the test done and its nothing to worry about. I am all good. Just have a premature beat every once in a while. My heart will throw in an extra beat here or there and i can feel it. Nothing to worry about. I just think its the spirit working a little stronger with me. hahahaha. Scherzo!!!! Anyways I am all good.
We got new Italian today. One from Brazil, one from Australia and then the normal Americans. that was good. Always good to have some newbies to talk to and confuse the heck out of them.
I love the Lord. i have realized the blessings in my life with the people I know and the family that I have. It is such a wonderful opportunity i have to serve the lord and share his gospel. I am loving every minute. Its hard but its worth it.
I love you all.
Ci viddiamo
voi amo!
Tuo Figlio
Tuo Amico
Tuo Anziano Treadway