Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 29, 2013 WEEK 3 ON THE JOB

Well what a week.  I think that this week passed faster than any of the others so far.  And its just getting quicker.  I guess, its not really week 3 but whatever, i will leave it like that.  This week, we went to Como and to Livorno to do apartments, and I am just beat.  

In como we set up a new apartment with some of the funnest missionaries that I know.  We were up till 1 o clock though finishing everything because we needed to get it done before the next day, we have things to do.  Everything is going really well with the putting things together, I just know now that Ikea is the coolest place ever to buy some cheap furniture.  I should work for them when I get home just putting things together, because I can put together things super quick, without a problem.  

Livorno, what a place, Bring San Diego and put it in Italy.  It was so nice to just smell the air and feel the breeze and see the water, and the sunset.  It was such a peaceful time.  We broke down their old apartment, that is the most fun part about this calling.  I love just kicking in old desks and just destroying it all.  I am really happy that I am doign this, AND I get to meet a lot of missionaries, AND I get to take some to the most beautiful drives ever.  Driving down to Livorno was along the beach and through the mountains of Emilia Romagna and Tuscany, (not the hills unfortunately).  Things went really well Until about 11 o clock when I went to sleep on the couch in the new apartment.  The previous owner was a cat lover and the way that things work here in Italy is when you move, you leave pretty much everything, so her cats I think LOVED the same couch that I slept on...and in the morning, I was asthma attack, not being able to open my eyes.  It was bad, I took 4 benadryl and got out of there as fast as possible.  It was really bad.  

yesterday, President Dibb arrived.  That was pretty cool.  He seems really cool, havent been able to really sit down and talk to him yet, I dont think that I will have time for that for a while being that he is the president.  He has things to do, but I mean, he seems really cool.  And his wife is really nice. I am going to miss the Wolfgramms a ton, but I guess there are things that I have to learn from President Dibb.  That is how it works.  He has my full support.  

As a final shout out....GEM!!!!  (grow every missionary, the mission battle cry)

non mi stanchero mai

Anziano Treadway